My big boy went to the eye Dr again today.. and things went MUCH smoother this time.. . This visit was much shorter...
Less than an hour compared to two hours
did not fall and cut his lip 5min into Connor's exam like last time
did not have to have drops put into Connor's eyes
And I think most importantly after the last visit where Connor angerly told me that he was never ever going to the eye Dr. again... I have been constantly
praying for him in this specific situation.
My big boy at the eye Dr. (I don't know if you are allowed to take pictures at the eye Dr. or not so I only snuck this one :)
This is what we learned...
Yes his one eye crosses... and
no his vision isn't bad...
No there is not imporvemnt in his vision when glasses were added... He does have poor depth perception... The Dr. explained that for him watching a 3D movie just wouldn't be as impressive to him .... So
no to the glasses (for now as long as his vision remains good).. and apparently no to the new 3d tv's (not that we were EVER going to get one anyhow ).... Just a BUNCH more practice catching a ball :)
After the eye Dr. we went to Toys R Us just to look around... in Connor's words " an entire store for just TOYS?!?" he was VERY excited to say the least. We also got a special treat of
Fast Food uck... But to them it was special.
I love when I feel well taken care of, I felt the Lord providing Connor with a peace about this trip to the eye Dr. ( I could tell by his skipping back to the exam room)... SUCH a change from the conflict he felt about going back to the Dr. even a week ago...
Thank you Jesus!