oh how time is flying! my baby is 3 years old!
Connor wanted a fire truck birthday cake...so i thought i would give it a try
i googled it of course and i found a tutorial that i thought would work...
How to make a fire truck cake
here is Connor's cake:
Connor "helping" my mix up the RED icing!
Connor's Cake
I reached out to mothers on facebook for some reassurance that i could do this...and i got great encouragement.. mostly from my high school gals but encouragement is encouragement doesn't matter where it comes from right :)
Connor and i found a new fire truck song! a lovely catchy song which became my mantra and i was humming it as i iced the cake
we had a bunch of family come to his party.
Our house was packed, we had wanted the party to be outside but of course the weather was not cooperating. overall Connor had a great time and a lovely birthday party. I am so thankful to my family for all attending a 3 year old birthday party!
Just the cutest picture ever i had to add it in here somewhere